
How Does Dandruff Cause Hair Loss: Myth or Fact

Dandruff Cause

Are you suffering from hair loss and do you think it is due to dandruff? If yes, you are wrong, as dandruff directly does not cause hair loss. Dandruff is just a skin condition due to which white and yellow flakes cover the scalp that falls off on the shoulder. 


Men and women worldwide are suffering from hair loss these days, and they think that dandruff is the main cause. While it is true that dandruff is a symptom of a chronic skin condition that leads to a flaky and itchy scalp, it does not cause excess hair loss. 

On the other hand, the itching on the scalp due to dandruff surely impacts the hair follicles, resulting in some hair fall. That means if you lose 50-100 strands of hair daily, then it is very normal. But if the hair fall is in excess, the person needs medical intervention. 

What causes dandruff?

Below is the number of hair loss causes due to which your scalp is itchy and those white flakes: 

Your skin is dry

Dry skin is one of the common reasons that lead to dandruff, or, you can say, the root cause of dandruff. However, you will be surprised to know that the issue of dry skin gets worse with time due to temperature, and the same scenario goes with the scalp as well.

So, for best results, you need to moisturise your scalp more often by picking up the right hair care product, free from all irritants.

Yeast-like fungus or malassezia

Malassezia, called fungus, is one of the major culprits of dandruff on most adult scalps. The main motive of this fungus is to feed on oils of the scalp by breaking it down and leaving oleic acid in place. However, several individuals are sensitive to oleic acid because of which the body reacts to this acid by increasing the speed of skin cells renewing. 

This is the process of getting the scalp free from irritation and resulting in flakes. This is why people suffering from excess dandruff are asked to use medical shampoos, as they have the proper ingredients to treat dandruff.


Several people think that shampooing more often worse the case of dandruff. But in reality, it is not true. That means if you don’t shampoo more often, dandruff will worsen as more oil and dead skin sit on the scalp, making the condition even worse. 

So, anti-dandruff shampoo contains ketoconazole, zinc, and selenium. is considered the best for treating dandruff. 

Certain medical condition

Seborrheic dermatitis is a very serious medical condition that affects the scalp and various other parts of the body badly, especially where there are oil glands. This issue is often characterised by dandruff.

You are allergic

Most people are allergic to foods like peanuts, and vegetables. So, if you notice scalp irritation or itching after using or consuming that particular thing, avoid using that product. 


There is one hormone called testosterone in the human body that stimulates activity in the sebaceous glands. This produces excess oil because the chances of dandruff and inflammatory reaction increase. This problem is faced more by men as compared to women.

Can dandruff cause hair loss?

No doubt, the problem of dandruff is very irritating and spoils the mood of the person up to a great extent. But if you think dandruff is the main cause of hair loss, you are wrong. We know both are interlinked, but some types of infections and severe medical conditions lead to dandruff and hair loss.

How to prevent hair loss from dandruff?

If you are worried about your hair thinning, you must follow the simple steps to keep your scalp healthy and make your hair look full and thick. They are:

Add moisture 

No matter the root cause of dandruff, ensure to hydrate your scalp with conditioner. For that, you can massage your scalp with coconut oil and then rinse it off. 

Use a medical shampoo

If you haven’t purchased the best anti-dandruff shampoo now, try using any of the best medical shampoo, which is specially designed for dandruff. Look for the below ingredients in the shampoo, selenium sulphide, salicylic acid, and pyrithione zinc. 

Make an appointment with a doctor

If you are unaware of what is causing dandruff, then make sure to consult the best dermatologist. They will look at your scalp and the causes of dandruff and offer falling hair treatment.

Don’t use irritating hair products

These days the market is full of irritating hair products that cause hair loss and dandruff both. So, when you buy any of the hair products, make sure to know their authenticity to be on the safe side. 

Manage stress

Well, stress does not directly cause dandruff or hair loss, but with time, it weakens the immune system. This makes the scalp more sensitive leading to malassezia fungus. So, try not to take stress by doing meditation.


Ultimately, dandruff is not the sole cause of hair loss; rather, several causes result in excess hair loss. So, it is better to know the main cause of hair fall by consulting the best dermatologist, as they will diagnose the reason for hair loss with proper treatment. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can dandruff result in hair loss? 

No, dandruff itself does not directly cause hair loss, it can be a contributing factor. Dandruff causes itchiness and irritation on the scalp which can lead to scratching and damage of the scalp and hair follicles, resulting in temporary hair loss.

Is shampoo good for dandruff? 

Frequent shampooing of your hair is good for dandruff, but make sure to use good shampoo for dandruff as they are packed with ingredients that make your scalp free from irritation.

Are there any natural remedies for dandruff?

There are many natural remedies that can be used to treat dandruff. Some of these include apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil, baking soda, and lemon juice.

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Book a consultation with andSons medical team to learn more about healthcare treatments here.

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