
Hair Care for Men: 10 Ways to Keep Your Hair Healthy

Hair Care for Men


There is no real difference between male and female hair, but the difference lies in how men and women manage their hair. While men traditionally focus on physique, diet, and overall attractiveness, hair care often takes a backseat in grooming routines.

Hair care for men isn’t as complicated as it may seem, and if you are willing to put in the effort, you will get great, healthy hair quickly. With this comprehensive haircare guide, let’s unlock the secrets to luscious locks, unleash your hair’s true potential, and discuss the uniqueness of hair types. We will cover you, from nourishing hair to innovative treatment. 

Types of hair

If you want to get amazing-looking hair, it is essential to know your hair type. The most popular way of identifying hair type was created by a renowned hair stylist Andre Walker, in a book called Andre Talks Hair. Walker categorises hairs into 4 types:

  1. Straight hair:
    • Description: Straight hair dries uniformly without any noticeable curl pattern and tends to get oily by the end of the day
    • Characteristics: Sleek, smooth, and lacking prominent waves or curls
  2. Wavy hair:
    • Description: Wavy hair falls between straight and curly, with a thicker texture and moderate oiliness
    • Characteristics: Fine, thick, coarse, or medium textured
  3. Curly hair:
    • Description: Curly hair comes in various shapes, from loose waves to tight coils, and tends to be drier than straight hair
    • Characteristics: Natural curls, twists, or kinks add texture and elliptical shape personality to the hair
  4. Coily hair:
    • Description: Coily hair has an Indo-African texture and tends to be naturally dry
    • Characteristics: This type of hair forms tight coils or spring-like patterns

After knowing the following hair types, you must have identified your type, texture, and personality. Let’s now walk through the road of getting perfect hair. 

10 ways to keep your hair healthy 

Use natural & chemical-free shampoo

Using natural and chemical-free shampoo benefits your hair by avoiding exposure to harmful ingredients. It minimises the risk of scalp irritation and hair damage caused by harsh chemicals that may result in hair loss. You can use the baking soda and aloe vera gel mixture to make your hair shiny and healthy. Eggs are also a natural ingredient rich in protein and can deeply nourish your hair, leaving it soft and shiny.

Don’t shampoo your hair every day

Avoid shampooing your hair daily, as it can strip away natural oils, leading to dryness and brittleness. Instead, wash every other day or use dry shampoo in between to maintain freshness and allow your hair’s natural oils to nourish and protect it.

Use the right hair conditioner

Choosing the right hair conditioner is vital for maintaining healthy, moisturised hair. Look for a conditioner that suits your hair type and addresses concerns like dryness, frizz, or damage. Apply conditioner primarily to the ends of your hair and avoid the scalp to prevent weighing down your roots. Look for the right conditioners enriched with natural ingredients like shea butter, coconut, or argan oil. These nourishing elements help hydrate and repair your hair, leaving it smooth and manageable.

The right hairstyle for your face shape

Selecting a hairstyle that compliments your face shape is key to enhancing your overall appearance. You can consult a hairstylist or a barber to find a style that flatters your facial features. Consider your face shape, hair texture, and style to find the perfect fit.

Take regular trims and cuts

Regular trims and cuts are essential for keeping your hair healthy and preventing split ends. Trimming every 6 to 8 weeks helps remove damaged ends and promotes hair growth. Even if you’re growing your hair, getting occasional trims will maintain overall health and prevent split ends.

Use natural products on hair

Natural hair products reduce openness to harsh chemicals that can damage your hair and scalp. Look for products made with organic and plant-based ingredients like aloe vera and tea tree to nourish and strengthen your hair without harmful additives.

Treat your hair gently

Treat your hair gently to reduce the chances of breakage and damage. Avoid rough towel-drying and choose a soft microfiber towel or air-dry whenever possible. Use a comb with soft bristles to detangle hair gently.

Cut down the heat

Reduce heat styling to prevent heat damage in your hair. Excessive curling irons, straighteners, and blow dryers can weaken and dry your hair. Always use heat protectant spray with heat irons and straighteners and adjust the temperature to a lower setting to lessen the damage.

Take cold shower

Taking cold showers can help improve the health of your hair by sealing the hair cuticles, reducing frizz, and adding shine. Cold water also stimulates blood circulation to the scalp, promoting hair growth and overall health.

Avoid tight hats  

Avoid wearing tight hats or hairstyles that pull on your hair, as they can cause alopecia. Opt for looser styles and hats that allow your hair to breathe and move freely.

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Book a consultation with andSons medical team to learn more about healthcare treatments here.

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