
Hair Loss in Men – Types and Causes

Hair Loss Types

If you are worried about your receding hairline every day that passes when you look in the mirror, then you are not the only one. According to the report, more than half of men aged 50 or more suffer from hair loss. It is a very common issue for men with a 4 in 7 chance of genetic baldness. 


Hair loss is also known as alopecia which is a disorder caused by a disturbance in the individual body’s cycle of hair generation. The problem of hair fall can affect any part of the body, it significantly troubles the scalp. It results from heredity, medical conditions, hormonal changes, and can be temporary or permanent.

What are the types of hair loss and their causes?

There are numerous types of hair fall in men, around 95% of hair loss is male pattern hair fall. Let’s discuss some of the types of hair loss: 

Male pattern hair loss

This is one of the common types of hair loss in men, which passes from men’s parents. It is also known as Androgenic alopecia, where hair starts thinning with age. However, it is due to the effects of DHT which is a byproduct of testosterone, because hair follicles stop generating normal hair, and the existing hairs start thinning. 

There are very limited hair loss treatments for this type of hair loss, but if you want to go advanced, hair transplants are a good option. 

Alopecia areata

In alopecia hair loss will fall in the form of patches and various other beard areas. As the hair falls from the scalp a small coin size area becomes visible. Alopecia areata hair loss occurs mainly in elders and kids due to a weak immune system that directly attacks the hair edges.

Telogen effluvium

It is also a type of hair loss in men when a large number of hair follicles on the individual scalp enter into the resting phase of the permanent hair growth cycle, but the new phase doesn’t begin. This is also known as telogen and all the hairs from the scalp fall.

However, this does not result in complete baldness, but you may lose 300 to 500 hairs every day, and they also appear especially at the temples and crown. Several causes lead to this type of hair loss.

Traction alopecia

This is another type of hair loss in men due to excessive strain on the hair follicles. It is due to braiding or ongoing pulling that permanently damages the hair follicles and prevents the hair from growing.

Hair loss causes

Hair loss in men can occur due to various causes, from genetic conditions, infections, hormonal issues, or severe stress. Let’s discuss the causes of hair loss in men:


Severe or chronic stress delivers a negative effect on men’s health that also includes diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and many more. But most importantly, it affects the hairs of the men. That means excessive stress leads to hair loss which is sudden or excessive shedding. 

Well, this hair loss is not permanent, but it will surely lower the overall appearance and self-confidence in the short term. 

Certain medications

According to the American Hair Loss Association, hair loss in men is also a side-effect of several medicines that are taken for common health issues. Some of these types of medications are oral contraceptives, depression, blood-thinning, and beta. 

Nutrient deficiencies

Deficiencies in the human body can also lead to hair loss, as all the vitamins and minerals aid in the proper hair growth cycle. That means if men are not taking a proper diet full of vitamins and nutrients, then the internal system of the body will not work properly and lead to hair loss, starting from thinning hair to patches and finally baldness.

In this case, always consult a doctor for the best result.

Medical issues

Temporary hair loss in men is a sign of any serious medical problem, such as anemia, thyroid issues, and diabetes. On top of that, if the man has cancer, they must undergo radiation treatment or chemotherapy, which can also result in widespread hair loss. 

But hair loss due to medical issues will regrow once the treatment ends.

Extra care of hairs

To look stylish, most men cause significant damage to their hair that results in hair loss. For example, shampooing, blow-drying, and straightening, more often than usual, makes the hair thin and weak and leads to hair loss. 

So, make sure to seek the best advice before doing any damage to the hair.


After reading the above guide, you may get the idea of hair loss types and their causes in men. So, keep all the causes in mind and seek the doctor’s advice if your hair is getting thin or falling. But make sure you choose the best doctor for the hair fall treatment to get the best result within no time. 

Frequently asked questions

How do I know what kind of hair loss I have?

Well, it is impossible to know the type of hair loss you have while sitting at home. That means you have to consult the dermatologist, and they will do some simple test that measures the severity of hair loss and its type.

When should I be worried about hair loss?

It is very normal if hair shedding is 50 to 100 hairs each day. But it’s a matter of concern if the hair fall is significant every day that passes.

What type of hair loss is permanent?

Permanent hair loss occurs when scarring alopecia is present on the men’s scalp. That means the scar tissue on the head skin will block the follicle’s opening, which happens due to autoimmune issues. 

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Book a consultation with andSons medical team to learn more about healthcare treatments here.

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