
Moisturisers for men: Does it really treat dry skin?


For men, dry skin can be a major source of irritation and distress. Whether it’s caused by climate change or a lack of proper hygiene routines, finding the right solution to cure and prevent dry skin is essential. One increasingly popular option for treating your dry skin woes is using moisturisers. But do they work?

In this blog post, we explore the efficacy of moisturiser for dry skin in men – including what kind of moisturiser works best, what ingredients to look out for, how hydrating it can be and more. By understanding all these factors, as well as the benefits that come with moisturising your face or body regularly, you will have all the information needed to make an informed decision about which type of moisturiser is best for you.

What is dry skin?

Dry skin is a condition that occurs when the protective outer layer of your skin starts to lose essential oils and moisture. It can sometimes lead to itchiness, redness, and even inflammation. This is usually caused by too much exposure to cold weather or air-conditioning and environmental pollutants like smoke or smog.

6 simple tips to get rid of dry skin

Several simple steps can be taken to get rid of dry skin and keep it from coming back. Read on for some helpful recommendations:

  • Reduce exposure to external factors: 

Limit exposure to cold temperatures, windy conditions, and pollution. If you are in a dry environment like an aeroplane cabin, consider using a hydrating facial mask or cream beforehand to protect your skin from drying out.

  • Stay hydrated: 

Drinking enough water is vital for keeping the body hydrated, which will also help keep your skin moisturised. Aim for eight glasses per day.

  • Switch up your cleansing routine: 

Instead of using regular soaps with harsh ingredients, try using natural cleansers that are gentle and not harsh on the skin.

  • Use a gentle exfoliant: 

Gently exfoliating your skin will remove dead cells and unclog pores. This can help to keep the skin hydrated and prevent dryness from recurring.

  • Moisturise regularly:

Applying hydrating moisturiser daily helps to protect the skin’s natural barrier, keeping it soft and hydrated while preventing further moisture loss. Pick a moisturiser suited for your particular skin type.

  • Eat healthy foods:

Eating healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds can help maintain hydration levels in the body as well as provide essential vitamins and minerals for healthier skin.

Ingredients that help to moisturise your dry skin

The best face moisturiser for dry skin should include natural ingredients that help to hydrate and nourish the skin. Some of the most beneficial ingredients to look out for include:

  • Glycerin: 

Glycerin is a natural humectant that attracts and retains moisture in the skin. It helps ensure that your skin stays hydrated and prevents it from drying out over time.

  • Shea butter: 

Shea butter is derived from nuts found in African shea trees, providing deep nourishment for the skin. It helps reduce inflammation, retain moisture, and soothe dry patches on the face or body.

  • Squalane: 

Squalane is a liquid wax extracted from olives or other plants. It creates a protective barrier on top of your skin that helps to seal in moisture and keep it from drying out.

  • Hyaluronic acid: 

This is a powerful humectant that helps draw moisture into the skin, providing deep hydration and nourishment for dry skin.


Finding the best moisturiser for dry skin can be a challenge, as there are various factors to consider. Pick one that has natural hydrating ingredients like glycerin, shea butter, squalane, and hyaluronic acid that will help keep your skin nourished and hydrated. By taking all of these steps to get rid of dry skin and prevent it from returning, you can enjoy soft, healthy-looking skin!

FAQs related to moisturisers for dry skin

Q1. How do you heal dry skin?

A1. To heal dry skin, reduce exposure to external factors like cold temperatures and pollution, stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, switch up your cleansing routine with natural cleansers, and use a gentle exfoliant to remove dead cells and unclog pores. Additionally, use a hydrating moisturiser suited for your skin type and eat healthy foods to maintain hydration from within.

Q2. How long does it take for a moisturiser to fix dry skin?

A2. It varies depending on the severity of your dry skin—it could take a few days or up to several weeks for a moisturiser to effectively reduce dryness and make your skin feel healthy again. However, if you use an effective hydrating moisturiser along with the other tips mentioned above, you may notice improvements in as little as one week.

Q3. Does dry skin need water?

A3. Yes, dry skin needs water to stay hydrated and healthy. Make sure you drink six to eight glasses of water daily and apply a hydrating moisturiser suited for your skin type multiple times throughout the day. This will help keep your skin from drying out and becoming flaky or itchy.

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Book a consultation with andSons medical team to learn more about healthcare treatments here.

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