
Sildenafil (Oral): Uses, Side Effects, and Effectiveness



A man may suffer from the inside out if he has ED or erectile dysfunction. So, Sildenafil can be the best way to treat the condition. This post describes the multiple Sildenafil uses, side effects, and effectiveness. Let’s read on to understand them one by one.

What Is Sildenafil Used for?

Put simply, Sildenafil or Viagra can treat erectile dysfunction. Besides, it can improve workout abilities in men with pulmonary arterial hypertension. So, it can alleviate symptoms like tiredness, dizziness, and breathlessness caused by PAH. 

Besides sexual stimulation, it also increases blood flow to the penis. So, a man can keep an erection for a longer time. Below is the list of uses and side effects of the medicine. Read them carefully.

How To Use Sildenafil?

Always read the information leaflet offered by the medical professional. Here are several ways Sildenafil citrate tablets can improve your health.

1: It May Alleviate ED Progression 

Consuming the Sildenafil citrate tablets in a limited dose will reduce the intensity of ED progression. So, that means it may put a stop to the erectile dysfunction development in your body. But a medical professional understands how this medicine treats your ED condition best.

2: It May Keep Your Heart Healthy

So, Sildenafil is an endothelial-friendly medication. In simple words, the endothelium is the blood vessel’s lining. And if it gets injured, it may result in plaque development or even atherosclerosis. Thus, consuming this medicine may mitigate the risks of heart attacks. 

3: It Can Enhance Your Quality of Life

When a man starts suffering from ED problems, he may feel dejected and low in confidence. After all, self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth are highly connected to a man’s sexual functions. And sildenafil 100mg can improve the quality of life by boosting confidence and self-esteem.

4: It Might Improve Urinating Abilities

Daily sildenafil dosage can improve a man’s ability to urinate. Truth be told, with ageing, men may find it difficult to urinate. One can blame it on the prostate size that gets larger with age. So, the higher the grip, the more difficult it is to urinate. Sildenafil seems to lessen its grip on the urethra. 

Side Effects Of Sildenafil Tablet

Want to consume Sildenafil for erectile dysfunction? Note down the following sildenafil side effects to keep yourself healthy while consuming it. Usually, these side effects are tolerated unless they become severe:

1: Headache

Headache is a common side effect. However, headaches due to the effect of these erection pills usually last for the first week of consumption. You can take advice from your medical professional in case the condition lasts longer or becomes severe.

2: Nausea

The most common side effect is nausea. Nausea from Sildenafil tablets is usually mild. It occurs while the medication is active. As the effects of the medicine wear off, stomach and nausea discomfort will gradually fade away.

3: Flushing

Another Sildenafil side effect is flushing. This medicine causes blood vessels to dilate. Hence, facial flushing might be caused. Note that flushing occurs around the cheeks, chin, nose, and forehead. One experiences this side effect, usually in the facial part or other body parts.

4: Indigestion

Heartburn can be a major side effect. Some indigestion issues include a burning feeling or warmth and heat in the chest or throat.

5: Dizziness

Sildenafil causes a mild reduction in blood pressure, leading to dizziness and fatigue. At maximum times, dizziness caused by the medicine is mild and may go away within a few hours. Consult the medical professional if the severity increases.

6: Stuffy Nose

A partially blocked nose is a major side effect that this medicine can cause. But don’t worry, as it’s a temporary side effect and is common while the Sildenafil medication is still in the system. But in a few areas, it may persist for multiple hours. If the severity increases, getting medical assistance from a professional is better. 

7: Serious Allergic Reactions

If you experience severe allergic reactions after consuming the medicine, it is recommended to consult your medical professional.

Where To Buy Sildenafil In Singapore/Malaysia?

andSons is the one-stop destination for buying Sildenafil in Singapore. Check out the products here. Learn more about Sildenafil price.


Heart issues, hypertension, high cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, smoking, and obesity may cause erectile dysfunction in men. And anxieties, depression, stress, and relationship issues may also interfere with sexual feelings. Whatever the cause is, Sildenafil can treat the condition.

FAQs Related to Sildenafil

How Often Should I Take Sildenafil?

Whenever you consume it, the dosage is usually 50g. But always consult the medical professional.

How And When To Take Sildenafil?

Consume the medicine four hours before having sex. But contact your medical expert to understand the direction for use.

How Effective Is Sildenafil?

Sildenafil 100g might be effective in men with erectile dysfunction. Besides, it may keep the heart healthy and improve the quality of life.

Is It OK To Take 100mg Of Sildenafil The First Time?

Yes, Sildenafil 100mg is the highest dosage that’s safe to consume, even if you take it for the first time. This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Book a consultation with andSons medical team to learn more about healthcare treatments here.

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