
Moisturiser: Benefits and How to Use It Correctly



Unlock the secret to radiant, healthy skin with the magic of moisturiser! Dive into the world of skin hydration, learn the scientific reasons behind its importance, and master the art of using it correctly. 


Moisturiser is crucial in any skincare routine, designed to hydrate the skin and provide a protective barrier. It’s available in various formulations and is suitable for different skin types and concerns. However, people often make the mistake of asking, “What is the best moisturiser?”. Let us clarify that there’s no such thing as the “best moisturiser”, as there are too many fantastic options to count. The real question people should ask is, “How to use moisturiser?”. So, let’s delve into the fascinating world of skin hydration science, explore its numerous advantages, and gather valuable insights from experts to attain exceptional results. 

Why Is Moisturising Your Face Important?  

Our skin consists of layers that work together to protect and maintain its integrity. The outermost layer, the stratum corneum, plays a crucial role in retaining moisture and preventing water loss. However, factors like ageing, sun exposure, and harsh weather conditions can disrupt this natural barrier, leading to dryness and irritation. Moisturisers help replenish the skin’s moisture levels and support the stratum corneum in maintaining an optimal balance of lipids and water. 

Benefits of Moisturiser 

Maintains Skin Hydration Moisturisers provide essential hydration to the skin, helping it retain water and maintain a healthy, plump appearance. They also prevent transepidermal water loss, where water evaporates from the skin, leaving it dry and vulnerable to damage. 

Enhances Skin Barrier Function

A well-functioning skin barrier protects the skin against environmental stressors and irritants. Moisturisers strengthen the skin’s natural defences by maintaining the balance of lipids and water in the stratum corneum. 

Minimises Signs of Ageing by Softening Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Insufficient hydration can exacerbate the prominence of fine lines and wrinkles. By delivering essential moisture, moisturisers can momentarily give the skin a fuller appearance, reducing the noticeable effects of ageing. 

Soothes Irritated Skin

Moisturisers containing soothing ingredients like aloe vera and chamomile can calm redness and irritation, promoting healthier, more comfortable skin.

Supports Skin Cell Turnover

Healthy skin cell turnover is essential for maintaining a youthful complexion. Moisturisers support this process by providing critical nutrients and hydration, allowing the skin to regenerate more effectively. 

Creates A Smooth Canvas For Makeup

A well-hydrated and moisturised face creates the perfect base for makeup application. This is especially applicable to male and female models and movie stars. Moisturisers help makeup glide on smoothly and evenly, ensuring a flawless finish. 

How to Use Moisturiser Effectively?

Cleanse Your Skin 

Always start with a clean canvas. A gentle cleanser removes dirt, oil, and makeup before moisturising skin. 

Apply In the Right Order

After cleansing, follow your usual skincare routines, such as applying toner, serum, or treatment products. Moisturising skin should be done last, as it helps maximise the benefits of your other skincare products. 

Use The Right Amount

Apply an appropriate amount of moisturiser for your skin type. A pea-sized amount is usually enough for the face, but you may need more for dehydrated skin. Distribute the product evenly across your face, focusing on drier areas.

Use The Correct Technique

Carefully rub the moisturiser into your skin with ascending, circular movements. This technique promotes improved absorption, invigorates blood flow, and fosters skin cell renewal. 


Incorporating a moisturiser into your daily skincare routine is a game-changer for achieving beautiful, healthy, radiant skin. Understanding the science behind moisturising enables you to make informed decisions about the best products and techniques for your unique needs. Remember, well-hydrated skin is the foundation for a glowing, youthful complexion. So, don’t wait any longer – start harnessing the power of moisturisers and unlock your skin’s true potential today! 


When should I use a moisturiser?

Ideally, moisturise your face twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. Applying moisturiser after cleansing helps lock in hydration and protect your skin throughout the day and night. 

Should I moisturise my face every day?

Yes, daily moisturisation is crucial for maintaining healthy, balanced skin. Even if you have oily skin, a lightweight, oil-free moisturiser can help regulate sebum production and prevent dehydration. 

How do I choose a face moisturiser?

Consider your skin type and specific concerns when selecting a moisturiser. Look for products formulated for your skin type (dry, oily, combination, or sensitive) and address your needs, such as anti-ageing, brightening, or soothing. Choosing a moisturiser with a texture that feels comfortable on your skin is also essential. 

Does moisturiser make skin glow?

Yes, using a moisturiser regularly can help improve your skin’s overall appearance, giving it a healthy, radiant glow. Well-hydrated skin reflects light better, making it appear more luminous. Some moisturisers also contain light-reflecting particles or ingredients that boost radiance, such as antioxidants or niacinamide. 

How do humectants, emollients, and occlusives work in moisturisers?

Moisturisers blend humectants, emollients, and occlusives to optimise skin hydration and integrity. These components synergistically attract water, improve texture, replenish lipids, and seal in moisture, ensuring a healthy, radiant complexion.

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Book a consultation with andSons medical team to learn more about skincare treatments here.

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