
Retrograde Ejaculation: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Retrograde Ejaculation

Retrograde Ejaculation is a common occurrence in the male body because of many reasons. It happens when a small muscle known as the bladder sphincter closes the bladder and prevents semen from entering the bladder. However, suppose the bladder sphincter is not working properly. In that case, the bladder of the man’s body will not close completely, due to which ejaculate will travel into the bladder rather than coming out from the penis. This phenomenon is known as retrograde ejaculation. 


Retrograde ejaculation known as dry orgasm defines semen as going back inside the bladder of the men’s body instead of coming outside from the individual penis via the urethra. Although this doesn’t mean you cannot reach the sexual climax, there are chances you might ejaculate with very little or no semen. 

As per health experts, retrograde ejaculation is not a severe issue but it can lead to male infertility. However, the treatment that is taken for these ailments is generally to restore fertility.

How Common is Retrograde Ejaculation?

The problem of retrograde ejaculation is somewhat common. According to the report, around 4% of males who are suffering from infertility are due to retrograde ejaculation. Apart from that, it also happens in cases of TURP, which is transurethral resection of the prostate surgeries, which is used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia or enlarged prostate.

Moreover, several conditions cause this issue, like diabetes or a person taking medication for high blood pressure or depression. 

Retrograde Ejaculation Causes

Before we jump into the causes of retrograde ejaculation, you must be aware of the normal process of ejaculation. In retrograde ejaculation, the bladder sphincter cannot tighten itself due to weakness or nerves that are controlling the muscle that has been damaged. 

Damage to the nervous system

If the individual has suffered from some type of injuries and illnesses related to the nervous system, like, multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injuries, it can damage the nerves and muscles of the bladder. Moreover, any surgery to the lower spine also delivers the same effect.


Undergone radiation therapy to the pelvic area in case of cancer can also offer this effect.


If the man has diabetes that remains uncontrolled for a long time, it can also damage the organs and nerves of the bladder.


Several medications interfere with ejaculation like, for enlarged prostate, antidepressants, or antipsychotic drugs.

Symptoms of Retrograde Ejaculation

Most of the individuals who are suffering from retrograde ejaculation don’t experience any type of symptoms. Indeed, retrograde ejaculation does not affect men’s ability to have sex while they climax. But the main issue is semen will enter the bladder instead of coming outside the penis. 

Some of the signs and symptoms of retrograde ejaculation are:

Dry orgasm

In retrograde ejaculation, there is a lack of semen or very little semen will come out of the penis.


Men suffering from this issue face difficulty in getting someone pregnant as the sperm will not come outside the penis.

Cloudy urine

After the orgasm, the man will notice cloudy urine coming out as it mixes with semen in the bladder.

Retrograde Ejaculation Treatment

According to health experts, retrograde ejaculation issues don’t need any treatment until and unless it causes infertility. If the man is not able to get someone pregnant, then the treatment can vary depending upon the causes, which we have discussed above. 

If you have diabetes

If the individual has uncontrolled diabetes, then it is essential for the doctor to first improve the condition of diabetic males.


Numerous medications help individuals to get rid of retrograde ejaculation, like pseudoephedrine or imipramine, which keeps the bladder and neck closed during ejaculation. However, in many cases, doctors also change the blood pressure medicine, which delivers positive effects.

Above all, several medications cause retrograde ejaculation, then stopping that drug can also restore normal ejaculation.

Infertility treatment

If any of the medications cannot produce enough semen for fertilization, then IUI, that is, intrauterine insemination, is recommended. It is the process in which the sperm of the male is collected to facilitate pregnancy, and then it is transferred to the partner’s uterus.


Retrograde ejaculation is very common due to several causes like medication, surgery, and numerous medical conditions. However, if you talk about its overall impact, it’s not harmful but a problem for males who face difficulty getting their wives pregnant. So, if you encounter any of the symptoms, speak to your healthcare provider about your concerns.

FAQs Related to Retrograde Ejaculation

Can retrograde ejaculation be cured?

Retrograde ejaculation doesn’t need any treatment unless it interacts with fertility. Moreover, its treatment wholly depends upon the underlying causes.

Is retrograde ejaculation serious?

No, the retrograde ejaculation problem in males is not harmful, but if the male cannot get a woman pregnant, it’s a matter of concern and needs proper treatment.

How long does it take retrograde ejaculation to go away?

If the problem of retrograde ejaculation is due to the side effects of any medication, then the issue will go away when the doctor switches the person to a different drug. On the other hand, if the problem is caused by severe muscle or nerve damage, then the condition will be permanent.

What is the most common cause of retrograde ejaculation?

Many causes lead to retrograde ejaculation, but it happens most after the cases of TURP surgeries. It is the surgery given for benign hyperplasia, also called enlarged prostate. 

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Book a consultation with andSons medical team to learn more about reproductive healthcare treatments here.

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